See no evil
Year: 2014
Format: HD
Runtime: 1 hr 12 min (72 min)
SEE NO EVIL portrays the daily life of three famous elderly apes who spend their days in retirement homes; a movie-star, a scientist and a crippled. We have watched and taught them for many years, as they have watched us. A sometimes bitter, poetic recapture of the intriguing relationship between Chimp and Man, as ‘remembered’ by the protagonists.
1) CHEETA – the most famous chimpanzee on earth
Cheeta is supposedly the last moviestar alive from the Tarzan-era.
Cheeta’s 80th birthday takes place in a sanctuary in Palm Springs. The day begins with breakfast on the patio. Cheeta eats with a spoon, drinks from a cup and wipes his mouth with a handkerchief. A gallery owner comes to admire Cheeta’s paintings, and friends from the movie industry gather for his birthday. Cheeta blows out the candles on the cake.
In his easy chair on the edge of the swimming pool, Cheeta has time to think back on his film career. After the party Cheeta plays some piano and watches a Tarzan movie.
2) KANZI – the smartest ape on the planet
Kanzi is considered the smartest ape on the planet. He orders breakfast by means of a computer screen and brushes his teeth using an Ipad. Kanzi’s 30-year learning program on language acquisition was carefully documented on video. Kanzi is now old and a little gloomy. He tries in vain to pass his computer knowledge on to his 2 year old son. At sunset he grills some hotdogs on the barbecue.
3) THE CRIPPLED – based on a story of human progress
The Crippled lives on a small porch of a sanctuary. He moves with difficulty: his left side is partly paralyzed. Today, The Crippled goes out for a long stroll along the inhabitants of the sanctuary. During his walk he reflects on how apes were used for human progress and remembers the space age.
‘Reconstructed’ footage of young Roger shows an experiment in which Roger refuses food as pay for a trick when he sees that his companion does not receive equal payment…
Written & directed by Jos de Putter
Director of photography: Stef Tijdink, nsc
Edited by Stefan Kamp, nce
Sound recording: Benny Jansen
Original music by Vincent van Warmerdam
Sound design: Boon & Booy
Produced by Wink de Putter
Archive research: Gerard Nijssen
Remote control camera: Dick Harrewijn
Research USA: Charles Siebert
Co-producers: Daniel de Valck, Anne Deligne / Cobra film
Commissioning editor vpro: Barbara Truyen
Commissioning editor rtbf`: Wilbur Leguebe
Deepfocus Productions
© 2017